Like a headless chicken...

What a horrid expression "running around like a headless chicken" is. It conjures up all sorts of horrors - and blood everywhere. Yuk.

However, it sums up my life perfectly right now. You know those days when you have so many things to do that you can't decide where to start? That's my life. I know I have a stack of things to do and get so overwhelmed that I have to drink tea while I decide where to start. Needless to say, a lot of tea is being drunk and very little is being achieved. 

The most important thing at the moment is the deadline for Dead Simple. Deadlines start off by murmuring "I'm lurking, I'm lurking". Then they take on an evil grin as they mutter "I'm coming for you". And then - and this is the stage I'm at right now - they scream like a banshee so you can't hear yourself think. 

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and commented on Linda Acaster's post. We had a nice little chat. You can still leave a comment/question for Linda.

This week, my "Getting to Know You" series starts. Every Friday I'll be asking authors questions about their lives (being nosy basically). First up is Marcelle Dubé and you must come along on Friday if only to see the troll. Seriously! It's the best troll ever. (If you check out the sidebar, you'll see who's coming when.)

Have a good week, everyone!

Right, I have things to do. So … where do I start?

© Shirley Wells 2016