I need your help!

First, I must tell you that Carina Press has ebooks on sale for $0.99 - that's about 60 pence in real money. That's right. Real, full-length books for 60p! You can buy the first book in a series (including mine) for this price until the end of August. Formats offered are pdf and ePub (used for iPads, iPhones, Nook, Sony - well, just about anything apart from the Kindle). Details of books offered at this great price are here.

If you have questions about formats or other issues regarding ebooks, there are some FAQs here.

Why not treat yourself and grab a bargain?

Now, I'd love your input about blogs, please. As you know, after a great deal of thought, I moved my blog from Blogger over here. There are a couple of you having problems with commenting. I'm aware of that and am working on it. However, I gather most problems you're experiencing are to do with reading the blog in the first place.

I've always used Google Reader for keeping up with blogs. When I was in Blogger Dashboard, I used to click the 'read in Reader' link and see all the blogs I'm subscribed to. If a blog wasn't on Blogger, it didn't matter because I'd hit the 'Subscribe to RSS feed' and the blog would show up in Google Reader. Although I no longer use Blogger, I still use Google Reader. It seems, however, that I'm one of the few.

So please help me out here. How do you read blogs? How do you comment? More important, to me at least, how did you get to this blog? Can you read it okay? Does the comments system work for you? If you can't comment, I'd be so, so grateful if you could email me and let me know of any problems you're having. Thank you so much!

© Shirley Wells 2016